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Remember These 5 Things If You’re Struggling To Figure Your Career/Life Out

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Recently I had a conversation with a former student of mine. She expressed concern regarding what her college major should be. She was unsure of what decision to make and uncertain of what she really wanted to do with her life.

I nodded in understanding. I have been in that very same position, trying to figure out in what direction to take my life. You may also have been in that position yourself. You may even be in this position right now.

You see, there are some people who are lucky enough to know what they wanted to do with their lives from when they were only kids. They wanted to become doctors and that’s what they are doing today. Unfortunately, most of us live a life trying to figure out what we should be doing.

My advice for my former student and others in the same position:

“Until you discover what you want to do with your life, make a decision and do something. Whatever that ‘something’ is that you decide to do, give it 100%. In other words, until you find your desired pathway, make the most of your present situation.” Here are some of the ways to make the most of your present situation:

1) See your current situation as an opportunity to grow

For example, don’t just go to work to get the job done. Ensure that you also acquire something from the organization besides a salary. Go there to learn something new each day. These additional skills can be useful to a future employer or to your own self should you open your own business.

I have a Chemistry degree, but it is what I learnt during the four years of earning that degree that has proven invaluable. Not only did I learn useful analytical skills but after those ‘mind-numbing’ organic chemistry labs, I learnt that I could survive almost anything that life hands out to me.

2) Be enthusiastic

When you see your current situation as one which you can learn and grow from, you will be happy and excited to wake up each day. Learning can be an exciting and thrilling process especially when done on your own terms and you realize that you are in control of that process.

3) Become good at analysis

Make a list of the things that you like about and/or dislike about your current situation. Make a note of the reason/s why you like/dislike these aspects. Also, note the aspects of the job/program that you are exceptional at and the parts that you are not so good at. What do people compliment you on? What are the aspects that make you feel proud of your achievements? These will offer vital clues as to who you are. It will help you to better understand yourself.

4) Be yourself

Where possible, give a bit of yourself. You are unique and you can often intertwine that uniqueness into your current situation. In the movie Sister Act, Deloris (Sister Mary Clarence) could not help but bring who she was as a performer into the task of helping the other nuns to sing. Not only did she begin to enjoy her time at the convent, but the Act was recognized by the Pope. The Act also attracted many people to the church who would otherwise have no interest in it. I am an empathetic person and that is who I was as a teacher. As a result, my students achieved remarkable success in Chemistry and to this day, I have enduring friendships with them.

5) Do what is required

What parameter does your organization, your school use to measure excellence? Know that and try to exceed it. You can also create your own additional parameters for success. Making the most of your current situation means that you should strive to meet and if possible, exceed the standard required of you. If you are required to lift 100 boxes, then don’t lift 60 boxes and then say that you are doing your best. Your best must also coincide with what is required from your job or studies.

In conclusion:

“The journey, not the destination matters” — T.S. Elliot


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