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My Story

Welcome! My name is Jacquline Dacres. 


I spent a significant number of years in the classroom as a Chemistry and Math educator. During that time, I taught people of all ages. 


Seeing my students' transformation from believing that they could not understand, to soaring and believing in themselves, has been some of my best moments. 


In September 2022, I left the classroom. In March 2023, I made a leap of faith and transitioned to being a writer, storyteller, and author. This was due to the support and encouragement of my friends and family. 


Let me tell you, it is and continues to be a uniquely interesting journey. The story of how I made the transition can be found in my book ‘Unlocking the Writer Within.’ This book is a very good guide for those of you looking to make the same leap of faith that I did. 


As a writer, I still consider myself an educator. I still educate and inspire others, but now I do it without the confines of the four walls of a classroom. 


My outlook on life is that if we change the way we think, we can change our lives. On this website, you will find various articles that support this belief. 


I believe in personal development for myself, and I love to see my own transformation. I wish for others to have the same transformation in their own lives. I use the medium of storytelling to show the transformation in my life and the lives of those around me. This is my way of letting you know that you too can take your life in a different direction if you choose. 


Because I use the medium of writing and storytelling to talk about personal development, I have always learned a lot about the writing process. From time to time, I will also write about writing. In fact, I am so in love with the process of writing that I will be writing even more books in the future. Stay tuned for my upcoming books right here on this website. 


I have one child, a son. His name is Damiene Stewart, and he is the biggest supporter of my writing journey. He is currently my business partner. I’m also a mother to all the students whom I taught. I’m a daughter, a sister, an aunt, and a friend to many. 


Before you leave this website, spend some time, and look through the various articles. Don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for additional stories and insights. Look through the available services and reach out to me if necessary. 


Your life is a beautiful story, share it bravely and proudly. 



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